Easy to Read Invoices

Online Bill Pay

Friendly Service


No Environmental Fees

No Recovery Fees

No Administrative Fees

No Fuel Fees


What’s Included With Residental Trash Pickup?

Residential service with Apex Waste includes the use of a 95-gallon cart, which holds approximately 7 normal kitchen trash bags. If your home routinely generates more trash than the standard cart, or you have a home-based business, we offer additional carts or a commercial container for an additional charge.

Northern Indiana Residential Waste Management Apex Waste

When Do I Put The Trash Out?

We ask that you put the trash out the night before collection day since our routes can start quite early and the time of pickup may fluctuate and is not guaranteed.

Residential Service Guidelines

Got questions about our policies for residential service? We’ve got it all layed out on our Residential Service Guidelines page:

Northern Indiana Residential Trash Pickup Apex Waste
Northern Indiana Residential Garbage Service Apex Waste